Wednesday, November 27, 2013

PT = ?

PT = Physical Therapy
PT = Pure Torture
PT = Partially Together
PT = Pelvic Twist
PT = Parked Tush

I started physical therapy this week. I can say the past 7 week shave been easy, relatively speaking, but in all fairness, I was high. I slept a lot, my family brought me what I needed, and I parked it. I caught up on Facebook, I read, watched TV & movies and generally hung out. Did I mention I as high? And thank goodness, because I felt none of what I think I am about to start feeling. 

Physical therapy will require my muscles, repositioned  and receently sedentary to actually fire up and do something. Already they are taking notice and not happy about being brought of of hibernation. So if I understand my math correctly, I was on a lot of medication and little activity. Now i am doing more, on less meds and will likely hurt.

Ok, just wanted to make sure I got that. OUCH.

The "You eat nails while the other kids eat cotton candy!" thing my dad used to say is in the back of my head, along with 17 years of figure skating competition. Push, push, push. But this is a new marathon, not any kind of a sprint, and I am getting the picture that holding back is more important than pushing right now. And hey, why do more when I can do less? I'm not used to that, but maybe I could get used to it.

In the meantime, I have been given the go ahead to hit the gym, but only on a stationary bike for 15 minutes opposite days from PT. It sounds exciting, and lord knows I can use the calorie burn. All my fantasies of losing weight during this time were sadly only pipe dreams. Not only do I have to do PT, I have to lose weight. Sigh. 

Damn math.  blame it on math. And my kids. 


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