Friday, September 20, 2013

In the Fashion Belt

Getting out of bed in the hospital is no easy feat. Moving at all is very difficult. I am on so many drugs that I can barely focus. And it doesn't help that my legs aren't cooperating. But then again, two major muscles were detached and my pelvis was fractured in three places. No big deal.

Every day there is a new PT who comes to rouse me out of bed and 'help' me walk. They have a large belt that they tie around my waist which is meant to be a safety so in case I fall or start to, they can catch me. It really adds a special something to the green paisley (?) decorated gown the hospital provides.

So let's recount: no make up, hair in six day old braids, heavy on the meds, attractive patient gown, TED hose, purple patient socks with floor treads, and - the FASHION belt. It's actually like a leash. Woof.


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